Batch Type Edible Oil Refining Machine
Processing Capacity: 1-20t/d
1. The refining process is carried out in batches, withsimple and flexible operation, and the
investmentis small.
2.Suitable for small oil mill use, can frequent replacevarious crude oil for refining.
Semi-continuous Edible Oil Refining Machine
Processing Capacity: 20-50t/d
1.The degumming, deacidification and decolorizationsections are carried out in batches, and
thedeodorization section is continuous.
2.The combination of economical and efficient. Suitablefor the crude oil with very high content
of free fattyacid, can get better refining
Full-continuous Edible Oil Refining Machine
Processing Capacity: ≥30t/d
1. Realize full continuous production of degumming,deacidification, decolorization,
deodorization, anddewaxing,
saving time, labor and production cost.
2.Suitable for medium and large scale oil factory.Large
investment but high profit and less oil loss.
Dewaxing,Winterization, Fractionation Machine
1.Dewaxing Machine Processing Capacity: 1-600t/d,suitable for crude oils with high wax content, such assunflower oil, rice bran oil,
flaxseed oil and corn germoil, to remove wax and improve taste and flavor of oil.
2.Winterization Machine Processing Capacity: 1-600t/d,suitable for cottonseed oil.
3.Fractionation Machine Processing Capacity: 1-1200t/d,suitable for palm oil and palm kernel oil to extractolein and